Everything you need to know about electric heating

Ahead of fossil fuels, electricity is the most popular final form of energy in Québec and around the world. If electric heating cannot be installed in new buildings, it represents a small investment in renovation.

A variety of electric heaters differentiated by their characteristics are available on the market. These include electric blowers, conventional electric convectors and conventional electric radiant panels. Consult an expert to determine which appliance is right for your home.

The advantages and drawbacks of electric heating

Obtained from gas, oil, coal or nuclear energy, electricity is not considered clean energy.

Indeed, the sources that allow its production cause considerable CO2 emissions.

It should be noted, however, that there is electricity production from renewable sources with a significant percentage of 11%.

Compared to heaters using other energies, electric heating helps you save in the investment phase.

Low maintenance is also necessary with this type of device. With good regulation, electricity transmission is also stable.

However, unlike other energies, electricity is more expensive and not very profitable in the medium or long term.

You can still optimize the insulation of your home and attic space to reduce your heating bill.

Moreover, it is not green energy and because of its primary energy factor, it is penalized.

Thus, less than 1% of new buildings are equipped with electric heating.

Different types of electric heaters

There are many electric heating systems on the market.

It is up to you to choose the device that best meets your expectations.

Very popular in recent homes, electric convectors have replaced electric radiators for over 20 years with the success of nuclear power.

Using convection, this system offers an efficiency close to 100%.

In the same way, this type of device brings a good regulation being carried out piece by piece AND centralized.

Thus, by lowering the central thermostat, you automatically lower the convectors.

Depending on the mechanics, the electronics and the regulation, count between 45 to 400$ the 1000 W device.

Commonly called towel dryers, electric blowers also work by convection but this time forced.

The room is heated by a ventilation system that promotes air circulation.

Offering quick warm-up, this type of appliance is ideal for rooms where you are just passing through such as the bathroom.

Adapted to dry your towels, the electric blower sometimes presents a support intended to receive them.

In addition, it is used as auxiliary heating for houses equipped with wood heating. You can buy a 1000 W electric blower from 20 to 1500$.

Electric radiant panels work thanks to the phenomenon of radiation.

This means that they spread heat by heating a plate.

Compared to convectors, they offer optimal thermal comfort.

A conventional 1000 W electric radiant is worth about $80 to $680.